Articles | Volume 13, issue 1
25 Jan 2022
Review |  | 25 Jan 2022

Oceanographic regional climate projections for the Baltic Sea until 2100

H. E. Markus Meier, Christian Dieterich, Matthias Gröger, Cyril Dutheil, Florian Börgel, Kseniia Safonova, Ole B. Christensen, and Erik Kjellström

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Cited articles

Almroth-Rosell, E., Eilola, K., Hordoir, R., Meier, H. E. M., and Hall, P. O. J.: Transport of fresh and resuspended particulate organic material in the Baltic Sea – a model study, J. Mar. Syst., 87, 1–12,, 2011. 
Almroth-Rosell, E., Eilola, K., Kuznetsov, I., Hall, P. O. J., and Meier, H. E. M.: A new approach to model oxygen dependent benthic phosphate fluxes in the Baltic Sea, J. Mar. Syst., 144, 127–141,, 2015. 
Arheimer, B., Dahné, J., and Donnelly, C.: Climate change impact on riverine nutrient load and land-based remedial measures of the Baltic Sea Action Plan, Ambio, 41, 600–612,, 2012. 
BACC Author Team: Assessment of climate change for the Baltic Sea basin, in: Regional Climate Studies, Springer Science & Business Media, Berlin, Heidelberg, 473 pp.,, 2008. 
BACC II Author Team: Second Assessment of Climate Change for the Baltic Sea Basin, in: Regional Climate Studies, Springer International Publishing, Cham,, 2015. 
Short summary
In addition to environmental pressures such as eutrophication, overfishing and contaminants, climate change is believed to have an important impact on the marine environment in the future, and marine management should consider the related risks. Hence, we have compared and assessed available scenario simulations for the Baltic Sea and found considerable uncertainties of the projections caused by the underlying assumptions and model biases, in particular for the water and biogeochemical cycles.
Final-revised paper