Articles | Volume 4, issue 2
Research article
10 Oct 2013
Research article |  | 10 Oct 2013

Comparing projections of future changes in runoff from hydrological and biome models in ISI-MIP

J. C. S. Davie, P. D. Falloon, R. Kahana, R. Dankers, R. Betts, F. T. Portmann, D. Wisser, D. B. Clark, A. Ito, Y. Masaki, K. Nishina, B. Fekete, Z. Tessler, Y. Wada, X. Liu, Q. Tang, S. Hagemann, T. Stacke, R. Pavlick, S. Schaphoff, S. N. Gosling, W. Franssen, and N. Arnell

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This preprint is open for discussion and under review for Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences (NHESS).
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This preprint is open for discussion and under review for Earth System Dynamics (ESD).
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This preprint is open for discussion and under review for Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences (NHESS).
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This preprint is open for discussion and under review for Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS).
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Final-revised paper