Articles | Volume 6, issue 1
Research article
18 May 2015
Research article |  | 18 May 2015

Future hydrological extremes: the uncertainty from multiple global climate and global hydrological models

I. Giuntoli, J.-P. Vidal, C. Prudhomme, and D. M. Hannah

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This preprint is open for discussion and under review for Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS).
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We assessed future changes in high and low flows globally using runoff projections from global hydrological models (GHMs) driven by global climate models (GCMs) under the RCP8.5 scenario. Further, we quantified the relative size of uncertainty from GHMs and from GCMs using ANOVA. We show that GCMs are the major contributors to uncertainty overall, but GHMs increase their contribution for low flows and can equal or outweigh GCM uncertainty in snow-dominated areas for both high and low flows.
Final-revised paper