Articles | Volume 11, issue 4
Research article
16 Dec 2020
Research article |  | 16 Dec 2020

Future sea level contribution from Antarctica inferred from CMIP5 model forcing and its dependence on precipitation ansatz

Christian B. Rodehacke, Madlene Pfeiffer, Tido Semmler, Özgür Gurses, and Thomas Kleiner

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Cited articles

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Short summary
In the warmer future, Antarctica's ice sheet will lose more ice due to enhanced iceberg calving and a warming ocean that melts more floating ice from below. However, the hydrological cycle is also stronger in a warmer world. Hence, more snowfall will precipitate on Antarctica and may balance the amplified ice loss. We have used future climate scenarios from various global climate models to perform numerous ice sheet simulations to show that precipitation may counteract mass loss.
Final-revised paper