Articles | Volume 9, issue 1
Research article
16 Mar 2018
Research article |  | 16 Mar 2018

Tracking an atmospheric river in a warmer climate: from water vapor to economic impacts

Francina Dominguez, Sandy Dall'erba, Shuyi Huang, Andre Avelino, Ali Mehran, Huancui Hu, Arthur Schmidt, Lawrence Schick, and Dennis Lettenmaier

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Evaluation of the moisture sources in two extreme landfalling atmospheric river events using an Eulerian WRF tracers tool
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Cited articles

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Short summary
Atmospheric rivers (ARs) account for most of the extreme flooding events on the northwestern coast of the US. In a warmer climate, ARs in this region are projected to become more frequent and intense. We present an integrated modeling system to quantify atmospheric–hydrologic–hydraulic and economic impacts of an AR event in western Washington. Our integrated modeling tool provides communities in the region with a range of possible future physical and economic impacts associated with AR flooding.
Final-revised paper