Articles | Volume 13, issue 2
Research article
13 Apr 2022
Research article |  | 13 Apr 2022

Indian Ocean marine biogeochemical variability and its feedback on simulated South Asia climate

Dmitry V. Sein, Anton Y. Dvornikov, Stanislav D. Martyanov, William Cabos, Vladimir A. Ryabchenko, Matthias Gröger, Daniela Jacob, Alok Kumar Mishra, and Pankaj Kumar

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Cited articles

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Cabos, W., Sein, D. V., Pinto, J. G., Fink, A. H., Koldunov, N. V., Alvarez, F., Izquierdo, A., Keenlyside, N., and Jacob, D.: The South Atlantic Anticyclone as a key player for the representation of the tropical Atlantic climate in coupled climate models, Clim. Dynam., 48, 4051–4069,, 2017. 
Cabos, W., Sein, D. V., Durán-Quesada, A., Liguori, G., Koldunov, N. V., Martínez-López, B., Alvarez, F., Sieck, K., Limareva, N., and Pinto, J. G.: Dynamical downscaling of historical climate over CORDEX Central America domain with a regionally coupled atmosphere–ocean model, Clim. Dynam., 52, 4305–4328,, 2019. 
Cabos, W., de la Vara, A., Álvarez-García, F. J., Sánchez, E., Sieck, K., Pérez-Sanz, J.-I., Limareva, N., and Sein, D. V.: Impact of ocean-atmosphere coupling on regional climate: the Iberian Peninsula case, Clim. Dynam., 54, 4441–4467,, 2020. 
Short summary
The effect of the marine biogeochemical variability upon the South Asian regional climate has been investigated. In the experiment where its full impact is activated, the average sea surface temperature is lower over most of the ocean. When the biogeochemical coupling is included, the main impacts include the enhanced phytoplankton primary production, a shallower thermocline, decreased SST and water temperature in subsurface layers.
Final-revised paper