Articles | Volume 5, issue 2
Research article
10 Jul 2014
Research article |  | 10 Jul 2014

Bimodality of woody cover and biomass across the precipitation gradient in West Africa

Z. Yin, S. C. Dekker, B. J. J. M. van den Hurk, and H. A. Dijkstra

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Forests, savannas, and grasslands: bridging the knowledge gap between ecology and Dynamic Global Vegetation Models
M. Baudena, S. C. Dekker, P. M. van Bodegom, B. Cuesta, S. I. Higgins, V. Lehsten, C. H. Reick, M. Rietkerk, S. Scheiter, Z. Yin, M. A. Zavala, and V. Brovkin
Biogeosciences, 12, 1833–1848,,, 2015
Effects of vegetation structure on biomass accumulation in a Balanced Optimality Structure Vegetation Model (BOSVM v1.0)
Z. Yin, S. C. Dekker, B. J. J. M. van den Hurk, and H. A. Dijkstra
Geosci. Model Dev., 7, 821–845,,, 2014

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Cited articles

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Final-revised paper