Articles | Volume 6, issue 2
Research article
30 Nov 2015
Research article |  | 30 Nov 2015

Soil carbon management in large-scale Earth system modelling: implications for crop yields and nitrogen leaching

S. Olin, M. Lindeskog, T. A. M. Pugh, G. Schurgers, D. Wårlind, M. Mishurov, S. Zaehle, B. D. Stocker, B. Smith, and A. Arneth

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This preprint is open for discussion and under review for Biogeosciences (BG).
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Characteristics of ecosystems under various anthropogenic impacts in a tropical forest region of Southeast Asia
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This preprint is open for discussion and under review for Biogeosciences (BG).
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Revised manuscript accepted for GMD
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Ecosystem characteristics of land covers with various anthropogenic impacts in a tropical forest region of Southeast Asia
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Revised manuscript not accepted
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Cited articles

Ahlström, A., Schurgers, G., Arneth, A., and Smith, B.: Robustness and uncertainty in terrestrial ecosystem carbon response to CMIP5 climate change projections, Environ. Res. Lett., 7, 044008,, 2012.
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Arora, V. K.: Simulating energy and carbon fluxes over winter wheat using coupled land surface and terrestrial ecosystem models, Agr. Forest Meteorol., 118, 21–47,, 2003.
Baker, J. M., Ochsner, T. E., Venterea, R. T., and Griffis, T. J.: Tillage and soil carbon sequestration – what do we really know?, Agr. Ecosyst. Environ., 118, 1–5,, 2007.
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Short summary
Croplands are vital ecosystems for human well-being. Properly managed they can supply food, store carbon and even sequester carbon from the atmosphere. Conversely, if poorly managed, croplands can be a source of nitrogen to inland and coastal waters, causing algal blooms, and a source of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, accentuating climate change. Here we studied cropland management types for their potential to store carbon and minimize nitrogen losses while maintaining crop yields.
Final-revised paper