Articles | Volume 15, issue 3
Research article
24 Jun 2024
Research article |  | 24 Jun 2024

Global cropland expansion enhances cropping potential and reduces its inequality among countries

Xiaoxuan Liu, Peng Zhu, Shu Liu, Le Yu, Yong Wang, Zhenrong Du, Dailiang Peng, Ece Aksoy, Hui Lu, and Peng Gong

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Manuscript not accepted for further review
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Short summary
An increase of 28 % in cropland expansion since 10 000 BCE has led to a 1.2 % enhancement in the global cropping potential, with varying efficiencies across regions. The continuous expansion has altered the support for population growth and has had impacts on climate and biodiversity, highlighting the effects of climate change. It also points out the limitations of previous studies.
Final-revised paper