Articles | Volume 6, issue 1
Research article
09 Mar 2015
Research article |  | 09 Mar 2015

Sustainable management of river oases along the Tarim River (SuMaRiO) in Northwest China under conditions of climate change

C. Rumbaur, N. Thevs, M. Disse, M. Ahlheim, A. Brieden, B. Cyffka, D. Duethmann, T. Feike, O. Frör, P. Gärtner, Ü. Halik, J. Hill, M. Hinnenthal, P. Keilholz, B. Kleinschmit, V. Krysanova, M. Kuba, S. Mader, C. Menz, H. Othmanli, S. Pelz, M. Schroeder, T. F. Siew, V. Stender, K. Stahr, F. M. Thomas, M. Welp, M. Wortmann, X. Zhao, X. Chen, T. Jiang, J. Luo, H. Yimit, R. Yu, X. Zhang, and C. Zhao

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Cited articles

Ahlheim, M. and Neef, A.: Payments for environmental services, tenure security and environmental valuation: concepts and policies towards a better environment, Q. J. Int. Agr., 45, 303–318, 2006.
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Bohnet, A., Giese, E., and Zeng, G.: Die Autonome Region Xinjiang (VR China) – Eine ordnungspolitische und regionalökonomische Studie (Band II), LIT Verlag, Münster, Hamburg, London, 1999.
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Final-revised paper