Articles | Volume 15, issue 5
ESD Letters
12 Sep 2024
ESD Letters |  | 12 Sep 2024

Climatology and trends of concurrent temperature extremes in the global extratropics

Gabriele Messori, Antonio Segalini, and Alexandre M. Ramos

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Preprint under review for ESSD
Short summary
Mid-Holocene climate at mid-latitudes: assessing the impact of Saharan greening
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Clim. Past, 20, 1735–1759,,, 2024
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A linear assessment of barotropic Rossby wave propagation in different background flow configurations
Antonio Segalini, Jacopo Riboldi, Volkmar Wirth, and Gabriele Messori
Weather Clim. Dynam., 5, 997–1012,,, 2024
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Dynamics of stratospheric wave reflection over the North Pacific
Michael K. Schutte, Alice Portal, Simon H. Lee, and Gabriele Messori
EGUsphere,,, 2024
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ClimaMeter: contextualizing extreme weather in a changing climate
Davide Faranda, Gabriele Messori, Erika Coppola, Tommaso Alberti, Mathieu Vrac, Flavio Pons, Pascal Yiou, Marion Saint Lu, Andreia N. S. Hisi, Patrick Brockmann, Stavros Dafis, Gianmarco Mengaldo, and Robert Vautard
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Cited articles

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Chief editor
Concurrent temperature extremes are becoming common but there is no climatology of such extremes in the literature. This study provides a climatology for concurrent heatwaves and cold spells and a programming toolbox to study such phenomena. This dataset and toolbox will be of interest to a wide readership, expecially those interested in climate and climate change science.
Short summary
Simultaneous heatwaves or cold spells in remote geographical regions have potentially far-reaching impacts on society and the environment. Despite this, we have little knowledge of when and where these extreme events have occurred in the past decades. In this paper, we present a summary of past simultaneous heatwaves or cold spells and provide a computer program to enable other researchers to study them.
Final-revised paper