Dear Mark Reyers et al!
I appreciate your efforts in revising the manuscript "Development and prospects of the regional MiKlip decadal prediction system over Europe: Predictive skill, added value of regionalization and ensemble size dependency", addressing most of the concerns risen by me and Reviewer 1 appropriately. However, I get the feeling that some of your responses and revisions were compiled a little bit hastily. This is why I still consider a number of revisions necessary. I am very confident that you will be able to address these appropriately, this is why I suggest that your manuscript may be accepted subject to minor revisions. Please see my detailed comments below.
General comments:
1. I suggest changing the order of results shown in section 4.1 (Fig. 2 & 3). It seems more logical to me - and hence easier to follow for the reader - to present the skill analyses starting with a reference forecast that would be expected to be rather easy to outperform (climatological forecast) before using reference forecasts that are a priori known to contain skill (the uninitialzed simulations). The results in section 4.2 then continue this logical order by using even more sophisticated reference forecasts, the initialized global predictions.
2. I have the feeling that you did not fully get the point of my comment 3 of last round's review, that is the issue of ensemble size and its impact on skill. I agree that this issue has to be considered seperately from the issue of few initializations (rather use this term than "sample size", from my understanding the "sample size" comprises both, the number of initializations times the ensemble size).
Let's focus on the ensemble size issue here. I still insist on my point of view that this problem of an ensemble-size dependent bias is known (and solutions or let's say workarounds). This is a mathematical issue of the various skill metrics as they are and has nothing to do with the origin of the actual data (synthetic, weather or climate prediction, global or regional). In the end the bias itself and its behaviour with a growing number of ensemble members depends only on the signal-to-noise-ratio (which crucially depends on the variance of the targeted variable). Anyway, as I wrote in my previous review: I appreciate your effort of tackling this issue (many studies do not, and probably aren't even aware of this problem). However, your results do not add anything new to the scientific literature regarding the existence of this bias. That is why, I oppose against your research question 3 (Does [...] skill depend on ensemble size?).
To resolve this issue, I suggest the following:
Please reformulate your research question 3 to something like "How does ensemble size impact regional decadal prediction skill?" It's a small change but this "how" makes a difference from my point of view. And please, carefully revise your text in a sense that it does not sound anymore as if the basic question (dependence yes or no) is something that has never been addressed before. Maybe you can write something like "the ensemble-size dependent skill bias has never been demonstarted based on regional decadal climate predictions before".
3. Regarding your research question 4: As shortly mentioned above, please refrain from naming this issue as a matter of sample size. The sample size in the end is determined by the ensemble size and the number of initializations. Please make clear that you address the issue of few initializations here!
Specific comments:
1. Page 2, line 15: I suggest including a reference to Eade et al. (2012) related to the prediction of extremes.
2. Page 2, lines 31-33: Please split in two sentences. First one to end after "...techniques". And I suggest to replace "outstanding" with "exceptionally".
3. Page 3, line 7: "aspread" should be "spread".
4. Page 3, line 12: Replace "for the decadal predictability" by "regarding skill". The reference to the decadal timespan comes later in the very same sentence. And "predictability" actually is to be differentiated from "prediction skill" but this is another discussion and unfortunately done inaccurate by many colleagues.
5. Page 3, lines 21-22: Please reformulate reserach questions 3 and 4 according to the suggestions made in my general comments.
6. Page 3, line 32: As already mentioned by another reviewer during the discussion stage of this manuscript (and answered correctly by you), ocean temperature and salinity are NOT taken from NCEP/NOAA reanalysis. Please pay attention to this issue and describe the initialization procedure correctly.
7. Page 4, lines 7-9: I suggest removing the sentence regarding the downscaling from this paragraph. It's almost exactly repeated in the following paragraph (lines 15-17) which is specifically dedicated to the downscaling.
8. Just as a matter of curiosity: Did you test whether it makes a difference for your skill estimates if you take (interpolated) winds from ERA-reanalyses directly instead of using the ERA-driven CCLM-simulation as a reference?
9. Page 4, lines 27-28: It is not correct that "historical" simulations are forced ONLY by aerosol and greenhouse gas concentrations. There is a number of other external forcings that are prescribed. Please rephrase accordingly.
10. Page 4, lines 31-32: What is the interpolation method you used? Did you test for alternative interpolation methods and the related impact on skill? It's quite a range of resolutions you are using here. Given that you interpolate from much coarser but also from (slightly) higher resolution (featuring a rotated grid) to the 0.25deg-grid, I guess bi-linear interpolation for all datasets would be the most appropriate solution. In any case, please indicate your the method chosen by you.
11. Page 5, lines 1-2: How were the anomalies calculated for the hindcasts, that is to mean, how did you calculate a climatology from the hindcasts? This question may sound stupid, but the devil is in the detail and it might even be, that your hindcasts feature drifts (even though it is anomaly initialization). I think the latest recommendation in this respect is to define a baseline period that is covered by the same number of initializations for all lead times and then calculate a climatology for every single lead time separately. This is not possible for you given that you have initializations only five-yearly. I don't ask for a change in your approach here (whatever you did) but please describe precisely how you did it.
12. Page 5, line 4: I suggest replacing "mainly" by "partly". You do spatial averaging over the regions only for the results presented in tables 1-3. However, the number of plots where you did not perform spatial averaging is much higher.
13.Page 5, line 21: Remove the reference to Goddard et al (2013) here. They were not the ones defining the MSESS.
14. Page 6, line 1: Two issues regarding the MSESS-formula:
14.1. Please replace the vertical bars (indicating the calculation of an absolute value) by brackets. Essentially it doesn't make a difference here but, you should follow the derivation presented by Murphy (1988).
14.2. More generally; i wonder if it is useful to present a formula for the MSESS that holds only for the climatology as reference forecast. You present results, too, that are based on other reference forecasts, so it may be better to stay with the basic definition of MSE and MSESS as provided on page 5 already. If you want to present some decomposition, I suggest to stay with the more general one, I wrote down in my previous review. And given that these derivations are provided by other papers already, I don't see the need to indicate some derivation of the conditional bias in your paper. From my point of view, you could directly provide the formula for the conditional bias as it is (see below). But please spend a few sentences, describing explicitely that the MSESS (partly) depends on the correlation but also on the condictional bias. This would be an important step, helping the reader to establish links between your MSESS- and ACC-results. This is what I asked for in my previous review.
15. Page 6, line 4: Now the vertical bars are definitely wrong. Your tables contain negative values for the CB, too. So, it should be brackets (or nothing).
16. Page 6, line 14: The correlation (ACC) is not only independent from the mean bias but also from the variance of the specific target variables.
17. Page 7, line 1-3: Please avoid using "bias" in this context. This might be misleading. Maybe just replace by "deviation", or something similar.
18. Page 7, line 19: Delete "of the hindcasts and decadal predictions".
19. Page 7, line 20: Replace "more reliable" by something like "better" or similar. Reliability has a specific meaning in forecast verification that is not meant here.
20. Page 8, lines 30-33: Two issues regarding your thersholds for coloring MSESS- and CB-values in the tabel:
20.1. Your thersholds in the text partly don't match the thresholds mentioned in the caption. Please check carefully!
20.2. The choice of these thresholds seems totally arbitrary here. Is there some though behind it? If so, please explain. At least for the MSESS it would have made much more sense to me to also use a certain significance threshold as justification for coloring here.
21. Page 9, line 1-3: Why do you suddenly use a t-test for assessing statistical significance? It would have been possible to use the same bootstrapping approach for CB_AV, too.
22. Page 10, line 4-5: As mentioned above, it is no open question if there is a dependency. This would be one of the instances where I would ask you for a reformulation in the sense of "demonstrating skill bias dependency" (see my general comment 2 above).
23. Page 10, lines 8 and follwing, as well as Fig. 5: I think it might be quite misleading to demonstrate this bias dependency compared to the unitialzed simulations. They suffer from a bias, too, and currently it is not clear from the manuscript whether you reduce the number of unitialised simulations for the reference forecast, too, or use their full ensemble in every instance. I strongly suggest to demontrate the skill bias comparing to the climatology as reference forecast. This one is unbiased!
24. Page 11, lines 3-7: I think you definitely should remind the reader here once again that your box-whisker plots do not contain the full uncertainty of the skill score estimates!
25. Page 11, lines 11-12: This is also included in the CMIP6-DCPP requirements/recommendations, sp please include a reference to Boer et al. (2016) here, too.
26. Page 11, line 14: Please rephrase the research question and your following text in the sense of my general comment 3, so make it mor clear that you are addressing the issue of few initializations here.
27. Page 11, line 23: Replace "starting years" by "initializations only".
28. Page 11, line 24: Replace "starting years" by "initializations".
29. Page 12, line 5: Replace "predictability in" by "prediction skill of".
30. Page 12, line 27-28: Rephrase. Maybe something like "Based on MPI_b1 data [...] we could show that results derived from only those five initializations used in our study qualitatively agree with results based a full set of annual initializations".
31. Page 12, line 32: Replace "predictability" by "prediction skill".
32. Page 12, line 19: Be cautious with such statements regarding the relevance of drifts (and subsequent corrections) in case of anomaly initializations. Some studies show that these feature drifts, too. Reformulate to something like "the general expectation is that drift correction is less important for prediction systems employing anomaly initialization".
33. Page 12, line 22: Replace "starting dates" by "initializations".
34. Page 14, line 1: Replace "predictability" by "prediction skill".
35. Page 14, line 3: Maybe it's worth mentioning that this huge amount of 1000 RCM model years may also be a valuable set for other studies, not necessarily related to decadal prediction. I mean, it's a huge dataset in comparably high resolution representing the European climate of the recent past... |