Articles | Volume 8, issue 3
Research article
14 Sep 2017
Research article |  | 14 Sep 2017

Effects of the 2014 major Baltic inflow on methane and nitrous oxide dynamics in the water column of the central Baltic Sea

Jukka-Pekka Myllykangas, Tom Jilbert, Gunnar Jakobs, Gregor Rehder, Jan Werner, and Susanna Hietanen

Data sets

Methane and nitrous oxide concentration profiles, CTD and nutrient data from the Central Baltic Sea between March and December 2015, following the major Baltic Inflow of 2014 J.-P. Myllykangas, T. Jilbert, G. Jakobs, G. Rehder, J. Werner, and S. Hietanen

Short summary
The deep waters of the Baltic Sea host an expanding dead zone, where low-oxygen conditions favour the natural production of two strong greenhouse gases, methane and nitrous oxide. Oxygen is introduced into the deeps only during rare salt pulses. We studied the effects of a recent salt pulse on Baltic greenhouse gas production. We found that where oxygen was introduced, methane was largely removed, while nitrous oxide production increased, indicating strong effects on greenhouse gas dynamics.
Final-revised paper