Articles | Volume 15, issue 5
Research article
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15 Oct 2024
Research article | Highlight paper |  | 15 Oct 2024

Uncertainty-informed selection of CMIP6 Earth system model subsets for use in multisectoral and impact models

Abigail Snyder, Noah Prime, Claudia Tebaldi, and Kalyn Dorheim

Data sets

code and data for Uncertainty-informed selection of CMIP6 Earth System Model subsets for use in multisectoral and impact models (Version v1) Abigail Snyder and Noah Prime

Chief editor
Earth System Models (ESMs) are used as inputs in impact models to estimate future climate risks. Hence, accurately representing the entire spectrum of uncertainty in ESMs is vital for comprehending the future co-evolution of the coupled human-natural system. Numerous ESMs are part of the CMIP6 suite and it is impossible to incorporate all of them in impact modeling. This study will help in selecting a suitable subset of ESMs that will reduce computing costs while preserving the range of uncertainty.
Short summary
From running climate models to using their outputs to identify impacts, modeling the integrated human–Earth system is expensive. This work presents a method to identify a smaller subset of models from the full set that preserves the uncertainty characteristics of the full set. This results in a smaller number of runs that an impact modeler can use to assess how uncertainty propagates from the Earth to the human system, while still capturing the range of outcomes provided by climate models.
Final-revised paper