Articles | Volume 15, issue 4
 | Highlight paper
26 Aug 2024
Perspective | Highlight paper |  | 26 Aug 2024

Cautionary remarks on the planetary boundary visualisation

Miguel D. Mahecha, Guido Kraemer, and Fabio Crameri

Model code and software

Cautionary Remarks on the Planetary Boundary Visualization Guido Kraemer et al.

Chief editor
This paper makes an important criticism about the visualisation of the planetary boundary concept. Hopefully, future publications will take up on the suggestions being made in this paper to communicate the concept more objectively in a scientific manner.
Short summary
Our paper examines the visual representation of the planetary boundary concept, which helps convey Earth's capacity to sustain human life. We identify three issues: exaggerated impact sizes, confusing color patterns, and inaccessibility for colour-vision deficiency. These flaws can lead to overstating risks. We suggest improving these visual elements for more accurate and accessible information for decision-makers.
Final-revised paper