Articles | Volume 15, issue 4
ESD Letters
 | Highlight paper
06 Aug 2024
ESD Letters | Highlight paper |  | 06 Aug 2024

Absence of causality between seismic activity and global warming

Mikhail Y. Verbitsky, Michael E. Mann, and Dmitry Volobuev

Model code and software

Supplementary code and data to Earth System Dynamics paper "Absence of causality between seismic activity and global warming" by Mikhail Y. Verbitsky, Michael E. Mann, and Dmitry Volobuev D. Volobuev

Chief editor
The authors apply the statistical method of conditional dispersion, which evaluates the existence of causal connections between variables, to study relations between seismic activity and global warming. This is a very actual and debated topic in the geosciences community. In this work, the authors find no causality between seismic activity and global warming.
Short summary
It was recently suggested that global warming can be explained by the non-anthropogenic factor of seismic activity. If that is the case, it would have profound implications. We have assessed the validity of the claim by using a statistical technique that evaluates the existence of causal connections between variables, finding no evidence for any causal relationship between seismic activity and global warming.
Final-revised paper