Articles | Volume 14, issue 6
Research article
17 Nov 2023
Research article |  | 17 Nov 2023

The effects of diachronous surface uplift of the European Alps on regional climate and the oxygen isotopic composition of precipitation

Daniel Boateng, Sebastian G. Mutz, Armelle Ballian, Maud J. M. Meijers, Katharina Methner, Svetlana Botsyun, Andreas Mulch, and Todd A. Ehlers

Data sets

Processed model output of the climate simulation in the study: The effects of diachronous surface uplift of the European Alps on regional climate and the isotopic composition of precipitation (delta18Op) [Boateng et al.] (1.0.0) D. Boateng, G. S. Mutz, A. Ballian, J. M. M. Meijers, K. Methner, S. Botsyun, A. Mulch, and A. T. Ehlers

Model code and software

A functional based python module for processing, analysis and visualization of climate model output (pyClimat) (0.0.1) D. Boateng

Short summary
We present model-based topographic sensitivity experiments that provide valuable constraints for interpreting past proxies and records of climate and tectonic processes. The study uses a climate model to quantify the response of regional climate and oxygen isotopic composition of precipitation to diachronous surface uplift scenarios across the European Alps. The results suggest that isotopic signal changes can be measured in geologic archives using stable isotope paleoaltimetry.
Final-revised paper