Articles | Volume 15, issue 4
Research article
02 Aug 2024
Research article |  | 02 Aug 2024

Missing the (tipping) point: the effect of information about climate tipping points on public risk perceptions in Norway

Christina Nadeau, Manjana Milkoreit, Thomas Hylland Eriksen, and Dag Olav Hessen

Data sets

Missing the (tipping) point: the effect of information about climate tipping points on public risk perceptions in Norway C. Nadeau

Model code and software

Missing the (tipping) point: the effect of information about climate tipping points on public risk perceptions in Norway C. Nadeau

Short summary

The paper examines how knowledge about climate tipping points (CTPs) influences public risk perceptions in Norway. Using an online survey, the study finds that only 13 % of Norwegians have good knowledge of climate tipping points. Communication about these tipping points had a modest effect, slightly increasing concern compared to general climate change information. The study highlights the need for further research on this topic, especially how to effectively communicate knowledge about CTPs.

Final-revised paper