Articles | Volume 15, issue 4
Special issue:
ESD Ideas
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25 Jul 2024
ESD Ideas | Highlight paper |  | 25 Jul 2024

ESD Ideas: Exoplanet, origins of life and biosphere researchers offer a perspective fundamental to ensuring humanity's future

Daniel Duzdevich, Arwen E. Nicholson, and Raphaëlle D. Haywood


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Chief editor
This paper provides a powerful viewpoint on the systemic threats posed by human-induced global change. It does so by highlighting the deep mutual interdependence of the Earth with its biosphere, and combines this with an astronomical perspective on the lack of suitable alternative planets should our own one become inhospitable.
Short summary
Scientists exploring the histories of planets and life are uniquely positioned to communicate a perspective that is fundamental to our survival: humanity is wholly embedded in Earth and its biosphere. There is no escaping our planet and its history. Only policies that build on this perspective will contribute to a flourishing future for humanity. We offer a few brief glimpses of this cosmic perspective and call on our colleagues to acknowledge the powerful stories emanating from their work.
Special issue
Final-revised paper