Articles | Volume 15, issue 3
27 May 2024
Review |  | 27 May 2024

Lake ecosystem tipping points and climate feedbacks

Dag O. Hessen, Tom Andersen, David Armstrong McKay, Sarian Kosten, Mariana Meerhoff, Amy Pickard, and Bryan M. Spears

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Revised manuscript accepted for ESD
Short summary

Cited articles

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Short summary
Lakes worldwide are changing and under threat due to stressors such as overload of nutrients, increased input of organic carbon (“browning”), and climate change, which may cause reduced water volume, salinization, or even loss of waterbodies. Some of these changes are abrupt to the extent that they can be characterized as tipping points for that particular system. Such changes may also cause increased release of greenhouse gases, and lakes are major players in the global climate in this context.
Final-revised paper