Articles | Volume 14, issue 3
Research article
03 May 2023
Research article |  | 03 May 2023

Tracing the Snowball bifurcation of aquaplanets through time reveals a fundamental shift in critical-state dynamics

Georg Feulner, Mona Bukenberger, and Stefan Petri

Data sets

Simulation data for tracing snowball bifurcation on an earth-like aquaplanet over 4 billion years Georg Feulner, Mona Sofie Bukenberger, and Stefan Petri,

Short summary
One limit of planetary habitability is defined by the threshold of global glaciation. If Earth cools, growing ice cover makes it brighter, leading to further cooling, since more sunlight is reflected, eventually leading to global ice cover (Snowball Earth). We study how much carbon dioxide is needed to prevent global glaciation in Earth's history given the slow increase in the Sun's brightness. We find an unexpected change in the characteristics of climate states close to the Snowball limit.
Final-revised paper