Articles | Volume 10, issue 1
Research article
 | Highlight paper
21 Feb 2019
Research article | Highlight paper |  | 21 Feb 2019

The role of moisture transport for precipitation in the inter-annual and inter-daily fluctuations of the Arctic sea ice extension

Luis Gimeno-Sotelo, Raquel Nieto, Marta Vázquez, and Luis Gimeno


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Short summary
Ice melting at the scale of inter-annual fluctuations against the trend is favoured by an increase in moisture transport in summer, autumn, and winter and a decrease in spring. On a daily basis extreme humidity transport increases the formation of ice in winter and decreases it in spring, summer, and autumn; in these three seasons it thus contributes to Arctic sea ice melting. These patterns differ sharply from that linked to decline, especially in summer when the opposite trend applies.
Final-revised paper