Articles | Volume 9, issue 2
Research article
16 May 2018
Research article |  | 16 May 2018

Influence of atmospheric internal variability on the long-term Siberian water cycle during the past 2 centuries

Kazuhiro Oshima, Koto Ogata, Hotaek Park, and Yoshihiro Tachibana


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Short summary
Long-term variations in the Siberian river discharges of the Lena in the east and the Ob in the west were examined based on the observations, tree-ring reconstructions, and simulations with atmospheric and climate models. The discharges of the two rivers tended to be negatively correlated during the past 2 centuries. An east–west seesaw pattern of summertime large-scale atmospheric circulation frequently emerges over Siberia as an internal variability. This results in the negative correlations.
Final-revised paper