Articles | Volume 15, issue 2
Research article
05 Mar 2024
Research article |  | 05 Mar 2024

Impact of groundwater representation on heat events in regional climate simulations over Europe

Liubov Poshyvailo-Strube, Niklas Wagner, Klaus Goergen, Carina Furusho-Percot, Carl Hartick, and Stefan Kollet

Data sets

Regional climate scenarios with the coupled TSMP in the context of HI-CAM and the WCRP EURO-CORDEX initiative Liubov Poshyvailo-Strube et al.

Short summary
Groundwater (GW) representation is simplified in most regional climate models. Here, we introduce a unique Terrestrial Systems Modeling Platform (TSMP) dataset with an explicit representation of GW, in the context of dynamical downscaling of GCMs for climate change studies. We compare the heat events statistics of TSMP and the CORDEX ensemble. Our results show that TSMP systematically simulates fewer heat waves, and they are shorter and less intense.
Final-revised paper