Articles | Volume 15, issue 5
Research article
12 Sep 2024
Research article |  | 12 Sep 2024

Projected changes in land carbon store over the 21st century: what contributions from land use change and atmospheric nitrogen deposition?

Jaime A. Riano Sanchez, Nicolas Vuichard, and Philippe Peylin

Data sets

Projected changes in land carbon store simulated by ORCHIDEE v3 (r7267) Nicolas Vuichard

Model code and software

Source code of the ORCHIDEE-v3 model Nicolas Vuichard 41d7-815e-09d629e55cf8

Short summary
We quantify the projected change in land carbon store (CLCS) for different socioeconomic scenarios (SSPs). Using factorial simulations of a land surface model, we estimate the CLCS uncertainties associated with land use change (LUC) and nitrogen (N) deposition trajectories. Our study highlights the need for delivering additional LUC and N deposition trajectories from integrated assessment models for each SSP in order to accurately assess their impacts on the carbon cycle and climate.
Final-revised paper