Articles | Volume 12, issue 1
Research article
11 Mar 2021
Research article |  | 11 Mar 2021

The response of terrestrial ecosystem carbon cycling under different aerosol-based radiation management geoengineering

Hanna Lee, Helene Muri, Altug Ekici, Jerry Tjiputra, and Jörg Schwinger

Data sets

Idealized geoengineering SAI with NorESM J. Tjiputra

Short summary
We assess how three different geoengineering methods using aerosol affect land ecosystem carbon storage. Changes in temperature and precipitation play a large role in vegetation carbon uptake and storage, but our results show that increased levels of CO2 also play a considerable role. We show that there are unforeseen regional consequences under geoengineering applications, and these consequences should be taken into account in future climate policies before implementing them.
Final-revised paper