25 Apr 2024
 | 25 Apr 2024
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal ESD.

Identifying the control cities of O3 Pollution using Complex networks

Zhi-Dan Zhao, Demei Xue, Haojun Sun, Weiping Wang, and Na Ying

Abstract. In recent years, ozone (O3) pollution has been rapidly spreading, restricting further improvement of air quality in China. Investigating the interaction of O3 concentration and identifying their driven cities are important for the prevention and control of O3 pollution in China. However, the interaction between O3 pollution between cities and their driven cities has not yet been revealed. In this study, we fill this gap based on the integration of complex network methods, the Louvain community partitioning algorithm and the maximum matching network control theory. O3 network model exhibits a structured cluster framework, such as Northeast, North China, Sichuan and Chongqing, and Southeast coastal areas. And the driver nodes are mainly concentrated in the central region, while the non-driver nodes are mainly located in the coastal periphery. We also found that the proportion of driven nodes exhibits a positive relation with the threshold. In addition, the coincidence degree of the driven node is related to the choose of threshold. A closer threshold value corresponds to a higher coincidence ratio of the driven nodes. The correlation of driven nodes predicting non-driven nodes is stronger than non-driven nodes predicting driven nodes, suggesting that driven nodes have more influence in the O3 network than non-driven nodes. The results provide scientific guidance for national O3 pollution prevention and regional synergy formatting. Furthermore, the introduced network-based approaches offer a mythological framework for the study of air pollution in key cities and clusters.

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Zhi-Dan Zhao, Demei Xue, Haojun Sun, Weiping Wang, and Na Ying

Status: open (extended)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • RC1: 'Comment on esd-2024-4', Anonymous Referee #1, 08 Aug 2024 reply
Zhi-Dan Zhao, Demei Xue, Haojun Sun, Weiping Wang, and Na Ying
Zhi-Dan Zhao, Demei Xue, Haojun Sun, Weiping Wang, and Na Ying


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Short summary
Understanding the dynamic characteristics of O3 pollution is crucial for the joint prevention and control of O3 pollution but remains a major challenge due to insufficient understanding of its driving cities. Here, using a complex network model, we identified the national O3 pollution driving nodes and their reliability. We also demonstrated their relationship with the threshold and distance. Our work has implications for developing collaborative control policies for O3 pollution areas.